April 26, 2024

Jazzy Business Consulting and GIX Corporation have formed a business partnership to promote a wide ​range of data-related solutions.

Jazzy Business Consulting Inc. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Masataka Toji; hereinafter referred to as "our company") and GIX Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Tomohiro Amino; hereinafter referred to as "GIX") have established a business partnership agreement.

Our company's motto is "Understanding facts through data and gaining insights through art." To deliver added value in corporate management, we offer assistance in data and digital strategy planning, business transformation, new business planning to address social issues, support for diverse finance and music-related events and partnerships, as well as aid in establishing and operating consortiums.

Furthermore, GIX has established its mission as "Enabling data-driven decision-making," and to achieve "leveraging data to enhance human cognition," it addresses the ​operational challenges of its client organizations through "Data-Driven Services (referred to as DDS)*1," integrating strategic advisory, data analysis, and technology to enhance ​human cognition and facilitate sound decision-making.

Data-informed: A behavioral pattern where human judgment, relying on experience, intuition, courage, etc., is enhanced to a more logical and rational one through the utilization ​of data.

Our company and GIX have collaborated as sales partners for DI services. In April of this year, we introduced a new app utilizing GIX's "MyGuru." We have established a business ​alliance to enhance our partnership further, aiming to innovate and deliver new value through the shared utilization of services, expertise, personnel, and information. Our ​objective is the sustainable growth of both entities. Building on mutual trust, we will leverage our individual strengths to pursue our common objectives.

GIX, Heiwa Real Estate, and Jazzy Business Consulting have jointly released the Jazz stamp rally app “JAZZ TOMO♪,” facilitating connections between musicians and fans. ​Source: https://www.gixo.jp/news-press/24360/

Collaboration specifics

Supporting JBC's business through MyGuru involves providing consulting and execution support for business expansion to client companies. This assistance is aimed at ​promoting business development for GIX and its clients. Collaboratively planning and establishing new ventures with client companies is based on data-informed business ​strategies developed by GIX.

Regarding GIX Corporation (https://www.gixo.jp/).

GIX is a company founded by strategy consultants and analytics experts. Through the use of analytics, we assist clients in making data-driven decisions to address their ​management challenges.

Company: GIX Inc.

Representative: CEO Tomohiro Amino

Location: 11F Mita International Building, 1-4-28 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Business: Data-driven business leveraging analytics, diverse consulting services, and the development of tools through data and research, offering a range of services utilizing ​these tools.

GIX Data-Informed Services

DI Consulting specializes in business issue resolution.

Data scientists with a blend of business acumen and analytical expertise address the management challenges of organizations. Our services offer efficient and top-notch issue ​resolution leveraging the internal expertise and tools, encompassing business data visualization, analytical technique enhancement, and machine learning application.

DI platform for Business Transformation/Behavioral Transformation

We establish a system to integrate the data-informed approach from DI consulting into the everyday functions of client organizations.

We facilitate regular DI operations through advanced cloud technology and a data analysis platform that guarantees availability and scalability.

Problem-solving across diverse industries and sectors: DI Products

In our advanced work in DI consulting and DI platforms for client companies, we analyze prevalent issues in various industries and business types. Our solutions leverage internal ​assets to address these challenges, enhancing decision-making resources and expediting DI processes for our clients.

Commercial facilities and tourism businesses can utilize the campaign tool "MyGru" ( https://www.mygru.jp.

MyGuru was introduced in March 2020 as a tool for executing, overseeing, and controlling digital stamp rally-style campaigns designed to promote shopping at commercial ​establishments and exploring tourist attractions. These stamp rallies, which aim to boost shopping activity and enhance store visit frequency, can be effortlessly integrated into ​LINE or the client company's proprietary purchasing or point system. Furthermore, it allows for the collection, aggregation, and analysis of data on usage patterns and wandering ​behavior at physical facilities and stores, which are typically more challenging to access compared to online data. This capability facilitates the implementation of various ​measures following the PDCA cycle. (Patent pending, Patent 6841539, etc.)

Regarding Jazzy Business Consulting Co., Ltd. (https://jazzybiz.co.jp/).

Company: Jazzy Business Consulting Inc.

Representative: CEO, Shoji Masataka

Location: KITOKI 2F, 8-5 Kabutocho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Business: Management and digital consulting services.

Supporting the collaboration between art and business involves creating a platform for musicians to engage in business discussions and integrating artists' creative perspectives ​into business practices, fostering innovative business concepts.

Data analysis and business planning involve assessing business opportunities to extract value from data based on regional challenges and behavioral data analysis, as well as ​strategizing for data monetization.

Supporting business transformation through generative AI involves generating ideas on leveraging cutting-edge technologies like generative AI in business, as well as crafting ​and executing prototypes.

Event planning and management services - Organizing and managing a variety of corporate events for startups and large corporations to facilitate business development, ​including events that foster interaction between business and jazz.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or inquiries.


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